We're provided a 30-second sample of EECO time code you can download
and listen to. The file, eeco8.zip, is an 8-bit, mono, .mp3 file. Download EECO8.zip to your computer,
Unzip, and listen to a bit of editing history.
Download EECO8.zip
If you have a wave editing program, take a look at the time code with it.
You'll notice that the data in the EECO time code is amplitude modulated.
If you look at it closely, you'll see the bits changing. Also, periodically
you'll also notice a "hole", where there is no audio. This hole is located
just at the start of each new second of the time.
You could extract the frame rate from the EECO time code quite easily, with
just a low pass filter. This was often done to provide a reference signal
for resolving audio tapes during layback.