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Features Controls up to eight TR-600A/AE-600 units Unique production switcher control system Continuous automatic assembly Multiple Preview on a single pass Multiple record machines Microprocessor controlled Floppy disc memory Operator-oriented control panel Innovative CRT display Simple Yes/No decisions Forward-Reverse animation Auto center of effect duration Automatic dubbing program CRT with composite video output Scratch pad memory Programmable operator reaction time for store direct
"The SE-1 is a new, easy to use, built in editing device for the TR-600A videotape recorders." "The new system is ideal for simple local editing requirements such as commercials "tags", station promos, sports highlights, art-card animations, etc. It provides a low-cost, previewable editing capability for the TR-600A." "The SE-1 counts control track pulses on the video tape to provide both in and out edit point selection. Three preview modes are included: in, and out; in-only, and out-only." "Other features include automatic re-cue; variable pre-roll times; programmable relay closure; out-transfer mode; record safety interlock. Edit points may be shifted over a range of +/- 99 frames in single-frame increments. The SE-1 can also record cue marks at the in and out points for future re-editing requirements."
Like the Ampex Editec, the TEP is controlled by a cue tone place on the cue track. Using the controls the operator can move the In and Out points up to +/- 2 seconds and 29 frames. In addition to controlling the edit, the TEP can perform animation, and can control an external machine.